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December 18, 2004

If You've Given the ACLU $20 Bucks Recently, This is Old News

Last year, when I was unemployed and desperately looking for work, I applied for a job at the Southern California office of the ACLU. I figured it would be helpful if I was a member, so I also plunked down 20 bucks for membership (and received a free t-shirt in the mail for my effort). I also was deluged with pleas for money from every Tom, Dick, and Harry nonprofit in the country. It was the most ridiculous waste of mail I have ever witnessed. Turns out, someone is finally noticing the hypocrisy of ACLU mining my personal data and giving away my contact info to the highest bidder.

The NYT reports that the ACLU Board of Directors is in turmoil over this practice and the NY attorney general is looking into whether the ACLU's actions violates its own privacy guarantees.

Posted by cj at December 18, 2004 1:35 PM


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