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January 4, 2005

In Fighting Abounds in the World of Unions

SEIU Prez Stern and AFL-CIO Prez Sweeney continue to duke it out over the future face of labor and face in charge of labor's union. (The AFL-CIO is not a union; it is an organization of unions.) WaPo has some hairy deets, including this gem (which is used as justification to get SEIU organizers to work overtime with no days off):

Some point to disturbing trends in union membership: The percentage of workers represented by unions has dropped from 15.5 percent in 1994 to 12.9 percent in 2003. In 1955, when the AFL and CIO merged, 33.2 percent of U.S. workers were in unions.

In a more threatening development, the percentage of the private-sector workforce represented by unions dropped to 8.2 percent last year.

SEIU's promotional blog about this and other labor topics.

Posted by cj at January 4, 2005 1:00 PM

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