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July 21, 2005

John Roberts Isn't My Enemy

This might sound strange, but after reading an opinion article in the NYT by Jeffrey Rosen, I've decided that my energy is better spent on other current events rather than following a losing battle to knock down Roberts' nomination to the Supreme Court.

First of all, his credentials are too sparkling to really provide a good reason to oppose him. Apparently, everyone in DC and every lawyer in America thinks it is perfectly legitimate to say the statements you make in a brief are the opinions of your client and not your own. And the fact that his wife is actively anti-choice doesn't mean much, considering the fact that Mrs. Laura Bush is pro-choice and that doesn't stop her husband from being a moron on reproductive rights.

I think he seems better than Thomas. I think it would be easier for senators to oppose his nomination if they hadn't already made him a judge. I find it interesting that when the Senate had a Democrat majority he wasn't appointed, but if U.S. citizens can't mount an overwhelming victory at the polls, then perhaps we're reaping what we've sowed.

In any event, I'm going to continue focusing my activism on challenging U.S. policy on Palestine / Israel and trying to shed light on less well-covered events, like the continuing genocide and war on women in Darfur.

Posted by cj at July 21, 2005 10:02 AM


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