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October 30, 2005

Striking Healthcare Workers Blogging

Dialogic posted a significant portion of an Alternet article regarding striking SEIU United Healthcare Workers West (SEIU-UHW). Annalee Newitz wrote "Strike Blog," which is an interesting if incomplete / not always correct article re labor strikes and blogging. Some of the commentors on her article have already corrected her most glaring mistake (being so enamored with blogging and laws that she thinks union speak online could keep folks interested in writing about their workplace conditions from being fired).

I know unions aren't a panacea for all that ails workers in America. But please look past whatever grievances you have with unions as institutions to sympathize with the plight of the workers at Sutter CPMC in San Francisco. I've never personally been involved in a strike, but as a former SEIU organizer, my heart goes out to the workers. Regardless of education level, all Americans deserve healthy working conditions, affordable healthcare, a living wage, and a real pension. There's a fundamental crisis in the US - a race to the bottom of wages and benefits for the vast majority of workers, while an elite few take an ever-expanding piece of the pie.

I'm glad to see SEIU expanding its use of alternative forms of communication.

Important Links:
Sutter Strikers' Blog
Official SEIU-UHW Sutter Strike Site
Take Action! Sign the Online Petition Supporting Sutter Strikers

and a related link found via the comments section of Alternet:
Communicate or Die: American Labor Unions and the Internet's post re Sutter Strike

Posted by cj at October 30, 2005 2:25 AM


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