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July 1, 2006

WILPF Action Alert

On Thursday, June 29, WILPF US issued an action alert to force the USG to unequivocally condemn Israel's current use of collective punishment.

A hat tip to acting ED Tamara James and the WCUSP leadership team for their timeliness in releasing the action alert. (Technical note: editing errors have been fixed in the email version of the alert and will be uploaded to our website next week.)

In case you're wondering, Prez Bush's email address is [email protected]. Veep Cheney is [email protected], and SecState Rice will only accept your comments via her online form.

whitehouse.com used to be a parody site, back in the stone ages of 1999 when the importance of precisely typing in URLs was pointed out to my CompSci 110 class. Alas, nowadays it's just a boring real estate site.

Back to the major point: Israel recently joined the US in acting like a pariah state, disregarding all international law, destroying the power supply of its neighbors, and taking democratically-elected politicians hostage. Show your outrage by contacting your local media outlets, your government representatives, and your sister activists. Challenge US Policy on Israel / Palestine: JOIN WILPF!

Posted by cj at July 1, 2006 5:40 PM


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