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February 4, 2008

Candidates on YouTube

A MoveOn email sent me watching a clip on YouTube for Obama, which made me wonder about Hillary's online campaigning. I heard this morning on The Today Show that Obama was moving ahead in the cool internet factor, but you really have to see it to believe it.

Here's the Obama video:

And here's my man from the 04 race, General Wesley Clark for Hillary:

She got a more home-made endorsement from Anne Rice, the author of the famous Vampire Chronicles and more recently known for her Christianity:

I'm not posting the "Making of the Band" spoof that attempts to show the kids that Hillary is their kind of candidate. If you're looking for prophetic inspiration, Obama is probably your choice. If you think experience matters, Hillary is the one to vote for. Personally, I'm still waffling.

Posted by cj at February 4, 2008 9:16 PM


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