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December 15, 2004
Inuit to Sue US For Killing Them Via Global Warming
Here's the deal: Inuits, people who live on islands, and people who live in high altitudes like the Himalayas realize that global warming is threatening their existence. It will cause small islands to be sumberged in water from melting polar ice caps; it will drown the seals Inuits depend on for their way of life; and it will alter the geography of mountains throughout the world.
In a desperate attempt to force the USG to recognize its obligation to the human race, the Inuit will file a complaint with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights against the US for threatening their existence by doing nothing to stop global warming.
Some fascinating deets available in this NYT article by Andrew Revkin.
Posted by cj at December 15, 2004 10:49 AM
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