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December 17, 2004
LA Top Cops Might Be Next BS Dept Secty
First, my bias: I abhor the name "Homeland Security." I think it reeks of jingoism and as a former poli sci student, I understand the problems with nationalism. I also think domestic security is inherently linked to the intelligence community and that the two ideas should be linked into one department. The whole reason the FBI and CIA were left out of this bogus department is because Shrub didn't think he could actually reform those parts of the problem.
Right. So it seems like the outgoing Head of BS, Tom Ridge, believes the top cops of my native land deserve to be tapped to replace him. The grand Police Chief, William Bratton, (brought in when the LA Mayor got sick of the last chief), used to work in NY and has been married five times. (Not clear why that last bit is important, but someone at the NY Daily News did.) Another cadidate is I've Been Sherriff Longer Than Many Residents Have Lived in L.A., Lee Baca. In the city of LA, his department doesn't do squat, but I suppose their duties have risen with the population increase in horrid, dusty towns like Lancaster.
The internal favorite in this horse race is Robert Bonner, customs commissoner and former head of the DEA (also formerly a judge in L.A.).
Full Deets at NY Daily News from News Wire Services.
Posted by cj at December 17, 2004 11:21 AM
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