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December 16, 2004
Plundering Iraq Uses Up Too Much Power / Influence
The Baltimore Sun has a great editorial explaining that our imperial ambitions in Iraq sapped up all available military and stretch us too thin to be of use to stop a true humanitarian crisis in Sudan. (Free registration required.)
It's rather dispicable. I get angry knowing that the only time The Today Show mentions Darfur is to hock bears, where a portion of the proceeds go to Save the Children, the leading NGO working in Sudan (whose supply truck was attack last week, killing two people). As important as it is to know what NGO is working in Sudan, wouldn't it be more useful to do news stories on the situation? To care about the world a little more during a morning news broadcast instead of yacking to every cast member of the latest movie or rehashing the death of one pregnant women ad naseum? (Recognizing that every human life is sacred, shouldn't more air time be spent preventing death from starvation and genocide rather than rehashing the horror of one person's death?)
Posted by cj at December 16, 2004 12:17 PM
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