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December 20, 2004

Public Debate Not a Necessary Part of Bush Social Security Plan

See, there's no need for Bush to disclose the details of his plan to destroy Social Security, because ultimately any change will be written by Congress. At least, that's his logic according to CQ Midday Update:

President Bush today again declined to disclose any details of his proposal to create private accounts as part of Social Security, saying he will provide such information to Congress at a later date. At a televised news conference, Bush deflected a question about the benefit cuts, increase in retirement age or other painful steps that may be necessary to restore the long-term solvency of Social Security. "I'll propose a solution at the appropriate time," Bush said. "But the law will be written in the halls of Congress. And I will negotiate with them, with the members of Congress." The president said "the first step in this process is for members of Congress to realize we have a problem." But Senate Democrats, in a two-page "perspective" released this morning, said "Social Security faces challenges, but is not in crisis." They said Bush's proposed private accounts would do nothing to address the system's solvency.
Were you surprised that a president who doesn't bother to have press conferences or show up to work would deem you unworthy of knowing the details of his plan to ruin retirement?

Posted by cj at December 20, 2004 4:25 PM


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