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January 5, 2005
Leahy to Grill Gonzales
Apparently, if you use big legal words to promote torture and illegal, never-ending detention you are well qualified to be the Attorney General of the United States. Well, you'll have to sit through some tough questions from an onery Dem, but no worries: in due time, you, the torture promoter, will become the supreme law enforcer of the land. From CQ Midday Update:
Although he is expected to win confirmation, White House counsel Alberto Gonzales faces a rough ride before the Senate Judiciary Committee at a hearing Thursday on his nomination to serve as attorney general. Ranking Democrat Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont plans to grill Gonzales about his role in formulating administration policy regarding treatment of prisoners overseas, a policy critics say permitted torture. "There are lingering questions. There is unresolved accountability," Leahy said. The liberal group People For the American Way today sent senators a statement strongly opposing Gonzales. Ralph G. Neas, the group's president, said, "The public record makes it clear that Alberto Gonzales has far too frequently allowed his legal judgment to be driven by his close relationship with the president rather than adherence to the law or the Constitution." The first Bush Cabinet nominee to advance is likely to be Carlos M. Gutierrez, the Kellogg Corp. CEO picked to lead the Commerce Department. The Senate Commerce Committee plans to vote on his nomination tomorrow right after a confirmation hearing.
Posted by cj at January 5, 2005 11:34 AM
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