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January 6, 2005
The Note's Anti-Semitism
Look, I'm not one to cry injustice just because some people don't like my tribe. I've mentioned before on my blogs that I've only experienced anti-semitism once in my lifetime, and that was when I was on a Jewish youth group bus trip in Cody, Wyoming. And really, how many Jews frequent Cody? At any rate, I was appalled at reading this in The Note:
Which reminds us: have you heard the one about the political party that engaged in oodles of post-election bellyaching about values voters, rural voters, and the potential electoral power of evangelical Christians, and then decides to tap two big-city Jewish guys to head up its efforts to win back control of the House and the Senate?WTF?!?! Clearly, anyone involved in politics knows people with money. But wtf is up with the emphasis on their Jewishness and bankers? This is ridiculous. Disgusting. Enough already. And just for those in cheap seats, let me repeat: "Jew" is not a verb. "Jewing down" is never an appropriate phrase to use. And "Jew Town" is a derogatory name. You ever heard of Black City? Didn't think so. So please, stop using these terms. [/leaving soap box]It's pretty funny.
But don't underestimate how aggressive and smart these guys are. And, as Pat Buchanan might say, they both know a lot of New York bankers.
Posted by cj at January 6, 2005 10:19 AM
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Arnold is prepping his next batch of ignorant voters...
Prop 13 was wearing out, he needs a new public stupifier clause written into the law to protect himself from the development of future intellect...
Posted by: John Patterson at January 9, 2005 6:14 PM
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