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January 23, 2005
This Week, This Week BLOWS
The chattering class just got done chattering about Harvard President Summers' recent comments that women can't learn math and science as well as men. They laughed at each other's quick turn of phrase. And they chided the liberal mob for being so harsh on the poor president that he was forced to issue several "Soviet-style" apologies. Gee, it's so nice that even the FEMALE commentator couldn't stand up for the abilities of her sisters.
Again, I ask you - if these "scientists" were saying that Asian folks have a greater innate ability at math and science than white folks would we all roll over and agree simply because they're scientists? Give me a frickin break. The great scientific brains of America can't even figure out how the drugs they pump into us fix depression (nor will they even admit the fact that those drugs might cause you to kill yourself) so how the hell can we trust them to figure out how male and female brains differ? And does that mean that queer brains don't fit in their neat little dichotomy? Then, what makes a brain queer? Flagrant homosexual relations? Or maybe just intense homoerotic desire? Please, stop standing up for bad science.
Posted by cj at January 23, 2005 10:17 AM
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