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February 24, 2005
Are Most Bloggers Right Wing?
Blind Boy Grunt pointed me to an Op/Ed by Ted Rall, "But Who Watches the Watchdogs?"
Rall's premise is that like every other place in America, the blogosphere is over-run by hard right reactionaries who get people fired for telling the truth and spew hate speech in the form of death threats to liberal columnists. Since I don't read those blogs, I can't really comment on their content. But he offers absolutely no proof that the majority of political bloggers are ultra-conservative, only anecdotal evidence. You can come up with extremely crazy things if you only rely on comment threads as your source material. For someone lambasting bloggers because we don't have access to primary source material, Rall does an extremely shoddy job of dismissing us.
Furthermore, Anarchoblogs, the Progressive Blog Alliance and P! prove to me that left-leaning writers and readers exist. Are we as obnoxious as the right-wing? IMHO, hell no. Maybe because we haven't been able to get Rush Limbaugh fired we're not as strong as wing nuts, but give us time.
Posted by cj at February 24, 2005 10:22 AM
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