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February 17, 2005
Even Republicans Recognize "Emergency" Request Includes Non-Emergency Spending
Mike Allen and Josh White report in WaPo on Congress grilling SecDef and SecState on the $82 billion "emergency" request for Iraq and the war on terror. Let's just think about that number for a minute - how can you spend a paltry billion dollars without knowing ahead of time that you're going to need the money? How can you possibly get to 82 billion dollars without budgeting for your expenses?
The request includes $658 million to build a new American embassy in Iraq - the largest US embassy in the world, staffed by more appartchiks than any other embassy. Lemme get this straight; we need more diplomats in Iraq than in the UK, Japan, China, Russia, France, Germany or any other country in the world? And you want me to believe we're not occupying Iraq? Puh-leeze.
Posted by cj at February 17, 2005 12:12 PM
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