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March 15, 2005
Huge Anti-Syria Rally - Momentum for Reform Back in Lebanon
The LAT reports that the private Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation estimated that one million people attended the anti-Syria rally yesterday in Matry's Square, Beirut. These rallies have occurred every Monday since former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was assassinated on February 14, a Monday, according to the NYT. The organizers pushed for this huge turnout in response to last Tuesday's pro-Syria rally.
WaPo reports that the Lebanese government has not conducted a census since 1956, due to fear of stirring sectarian violence. Its estimated that the entire population of Lebanon is about four million, so a rally that attracts a quarter of the population is of enormous significance.
The NYT reports that Mr. Hairiri and his bodyguards are buried in the former parking lot of a Virgin Megastore that overlooks Martyr's Square.
Fabulous Photograph from the Rally, by Hussein Malla of the AP, at the LAT
"Anti-Syria Rally Draws Huge Crowd: Hundreds of thousands gather to again demand Damascus' pullout from Lebanon. One estimate puts the protest at twice the size of Hezbollah's. by Ken Ellingwood with contributions from Rania Abouzeid in the LAT
"Huge Demonstration in Lebanon Demands End to Syrian Control," by Neil MacFarquhar in the NYT
"Rallies Highlight Rifts in Lebanon: Lebanese Opposition Answers Hezbollah With a Huge Anti-Syrian Demonstration," by Scott Wilson in WaPo
Posted by cj at March 15, 2005 11:17 AM
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