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March 5, 2005

The World United Against the USG: Victory for Women's Human Rights!!!

The Commission on the Status of Women Unequivocally Reaffirms the Beijing Platform for Action Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO), News Alert, 4 March 2005


Earlier today, the United States failed to break solid international consensus supporting reaffirmation of the Beijing Platform for Action, and withdrew its controversial proposed amendment to the Draft Declaration of the Beijing +10 proceedings currently taking place in New York. The US language sought to "reaffirm that the Beijing Platform and the outcome of the 23rd Special Session of the General Assembly (Beijing +5) "do not create new international human rights and do not include the right to abortion." The US decision to withdraw its anti-human rights amendment marks a significant victory in support of women's human rights worldwide.

Although the US delegation did not have the public support of any Member State, they had refused to join the consensus that had formed in support of the Draft as it had been issued by the Bureau of the Commission on the Status of Women. In a remarkable show of solidarity, countries across all regions have resisted US pressure to break consensus, and have stood together in support of the full range of women's human rights as laid out in the Beijing Platform.

The Declaration, which reaffirms the Beijing Platform and the Beijing +5 outcome document, was adopted at 5pm this afternoon at the Commission on the Status of Women.

Press Release found at PeaceWomen
Full Coverage of Beijing +10 at PeaceWomen

Posted by cj at March 5, 2005 9:13 AM

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