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April 13, 2005
Bolton the Bully Soon to be Head US Diplomat at UN
At yesterday's Senate Foreign Relations Committee confirmation hearing, the former State Department intelligence chief testified that Shrub's choice for negotiating delicate issues with other countries at the United Nations treats subordinates like crap. From "U.N. Pick Called Bully Who Abused His Power," by Sonni Efron in today's LAT:
The State Department's former intelligence chief testified Tuesday that John R. Bolton was a "serial abuser" of underlings who tried to remove an intelligence analyst who disagreed with him and was "a quintessential kiss-up, kick-down sort of guy."Good to know that Republicans are willing to line up behind the president regardless of whether he's making good decisions. Nice to see that party affiliation is more important to some people than independent critical thinking. I now know why the Democrats are ineffective - too little group think and too much individual reasoning.But it appeared that the testimony of Carl W. Ford Jr., former assistant secretary of State for intelligence and research, before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee had not changed any votes on Bolton's nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Republicans control the panel 10 to 8 and were seen as likely to approve him.
Posted by cj at April 13, 2005 12:49 PM
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