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April 4, 2005

Corrupt Krgyz President Officially Resigning

After lengthy discussions over the weekend with a Krgyz delegation led by parliament speaker Omurbek Tekebayev, Askar Akayev formerly resigned as President of Krgyzstan. If you recall, Akayev was the corrupt leader who fled the country like a rat leaving a drowning ship when democratic protestors took over the presidential building on March 24. This will help solidify the legitimacy of the presidential election scheduled for June 26.

More info:
"President of Kygyzstan Signs Resignation Deal," by the Associated Press in the NYT
"Kyrgyz President To Resign: Interim Leaders, Akayev Set Deal," by Henry Meyer, Associate Press in WaPo

Posted by cj at April 4, 2005 12:17 PM

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