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April 6, 2005
Sudanese War Criminals Will (might) Be Prosecuted by ICC
The International Criminal Court (ICC) accepted sealed names of 51 Sudanese suspected of war crimes. The Sudanese government is refusing to release people to "foreign courts" and the USG's stance that the ICC has no jurisdiction over US citizens buttresses their claim.
From "International War-Crimes Prosecutor Gets List of 51 Sudan Suspects," by Warren Hoge in the NYT:
The confidential list, said to include the names of senior Sudanese government officials, militiamen, army officers and rebel commanders, was compiled by a United Nations commission in January. It reported then that war crimes "no less serious and heinous than genocide" had been committed in Darfur, and it recommended trial by the international court.It is highly disturbing that the only way the US agreed to start proceedings at the Hague against those responsible for genocide was to get American citizens specifically excluded from the inquiry. WHY??? What the hell are they so afraid of? What is up with this double-speak? Apparently the administration is for internationalism when it's convenient and strongly opposed to it when it might keep the USG in check. Ug.
More info:
"Sudan Darfur Trials Can Evade Hague Court: Egypt" by Reuters in Yahoo News
Posted by cj at April 6, 2005 5:10 PM
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