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July 19, 2005

The Power of Blogging

I might be one lone voice in the wilderness whose only consistent reader is her boyfriend.

But as long as the mainstream media and politicians recognize the collective force of bloggers, I will continue to feel powerful scrawling my opinions online.

"Bloggers, on your mark: Court vacancy is fine fodder," Media Mix by Peter Johnson in today's USAT

No matter whom President Bush nominates to replace Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court or whether Bush must replace her and ailing Chief Justice William Rehnquist, who says he has no plans to step down, nominees are going to be fair game for bloggers.

This is a first; the Internet was in its infancy and bloggers weren't around the last time there was an opening on the high court. That was in 1994, when Stephen Breyer was nominated by President Clinton and later confirmed to the court.

Gone are the days when it would usually take disparaging information from an insider to derail a judge's nomination. [...]

Tom Rosenstiel of the Project for Excellence in Journalism says that it will be up to "traditional media with the largest resources to knock down bad stuff that the bloggers put out" about whomever Bush nominates.

"The media world is almost unrecognizable from what it was 11 years ago. All the rules of the road are different. We were driving 1950s Chevys compared to what governs the road now."

Emphasis added.

Posted by cj at July 19, 2005 12:26 PM


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