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September 22, 2005

If You Make War, You Can Play With Billions of Taxpayer Dollars

This Just In: No one, not the DOD, not the Congress, knows how much money is being spent on the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The GAO reports that defense spending is overstated. And no one seems to mind that no one knows the exact figures.

Only a Republican government could get away with misstating billions of dollars. Only a public completely asleep in a fascist system could relegate this to page A23 of one major newspaper.

"Defense Spending Is Overstated, GAO Report Says," by Ann Scott Tyson in today's WaPo

flagged by Today's Papers by Eric Umansky in Slate (owned by the WaPo company)

Posted by cj at September 22, 2005 8:03 AM


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