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September 20, 2005
One Crook Indicted, Many More to Go
The head of the entire USG's procurement system, David H. Safavian, resigned Friday and was arrested yesterday "accused of lying and obstructing a criminal investigation into Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff's dealings with the federal government."
Let me be clear - this crook has been in charge of procurement including disaster relief in the Gulf Region and no one bothered to get rid of him until his egregious actions were brought to light by a task force including the IRS, the Interior Department and the Justice Department's fraud and public integrity units.
Thank goodness there are still some honest public servants working for the USG. Too bad they have to report to a bunch of Thieves and Liars.
More info:
"Bush Official Arrested in Corruption Probe," by R. Jeffrey Smith and Susan Schmidt in today's WaPo
Posted by cj at September 20, 2005 7:51 AM
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