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September 4, 2005
The Only Way to Get By...a Devil's Brew...
I've been watching t.v. since 9:30 this morning and before that was reading the NYT. I watched the first half hour of "This Week" on ABC and the full hour of "Meet the Press," on NBC. Then I switched to CNN. And read some online articles.
And I cleaned up my apartment while watching. And I got disturbed, and started doing laundry - to escape the t.v. I couldn't turn off. I turned it off for about half an hour, but felt an impossible urge to turn it back on. Finally, after doing most of my laundry, I found sweet relief - a bottle of Duvel, the Devil's brew, a high alcohol content beer.
CNN is still on. I read an article that said Brian Williams is doing an excellent job on NBC, so I might tune into that in twenty minutes to see if he's on...but for the most part, I've been disapointed with all t.v. coverage other than CNN.
I'm brought back to the L.A. Earthquake - my one touch with a natural catastrophe. That devastation was nothing compared to this, but it was enough to convince me (despite having three grandparents killed from it) to begin smoking. Now I pray for the elderly left stranded in nursing homes. I know I'm incoherent, but the only thing that's keeping me from going loony is the Duvel I just drank.
"Storm Exposed Disarray at the Top," by Susan B. Glasser and Josh White in WaPo exposes the horror of the slow death of FEMA and criminal negligence of the USG.
"World Reaction: How Could This Be Happening in the United States?" by Kevin Sullivan in WaPo
"What Happens to a Race Deferred?" by Jason DeParle in NYT
"In Texas: 240,000 Evacuees Strain Capacity," by Lisa Rein and Dan Balz in WaPo
Posted by cj at September 4, 2005 5:05 PM
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