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December 11, 2005

Sunday Mornin Talk Show Feedback

I'm struck by the narrowness of mainstream media's political spectrum. The only people taken seriously are Republicans and Democrats. If you're a "maverick," aka don't follow every single talking point from your party, then you are met with skepticism and hype. If you're a nut job, aka think completely for yourself and reject the mainstream world view of 9-11 SECURITY BUILDING DEMOCRACY, then you are occasionally invited to the table and mocked the entire, paltry sum of time you are engaged by the host. Doesn't matter if you're a right-wing jingoist or a left-wing internationalist, you aren't taken seriously by Sunday morning talk shows if you don't follow a party line. Furthermore, none of the mainstream media hosts ever question the paradigm of US politics. Its never important to include pundits from across the political spectrum, and forget about diversity. If there is a black man and a white woman on the panel, not only are you lucky, but its a sign of complete political correctness regardless of the views your token "minority reps" spew.

I'm trying to figure out where there's room in the national discussion for serious people who are dedicated to international cooperation and collaboration in order to create a peaceful and just society. Not just hand-wringing over the death of New Orleans or the horrifying and increasing gap between the rich and the poor in the US and the world. More than hot air, we need a place at the decision making table for peacemakers and social justice activists. I think our inclusion starts when we're taken seriously by the pundit class.

At least Now, the investigative journalism program on PBS continues to take activists seriously. This week's topic was Do It Yourself Democracy, with guests Frances Moore Lappe (author of Democracy's Edge) and activist Diane Wilson (author of An Unreasonable Woman). After being demoralized by the increasingly obvious right-wing slant of Chris Matthews, and former SecState Albright's refusal to call the US occupation of Iraq a mistake, I was happy to view an uplifting reminder that we individuals have the power to create the democracy we wish to see.

Posted by cj at December 11, 2005 12:17 PM


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