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December 4, 2005

Sunday News Roundup (not really)

Watched MtP today. It made me realize how severely stuck-in-war-mode Senator John McCain is. I cannot believe he actually believes the US occupation of Iraq is a good thing. Furthermore, he believes that to win the "propaganda war" its a good thing for the US military to pay media outlets in Iraq to publish phony news articles. So much for a free press being a cornerstone of a democratic society.

Shockingly, no one at any level of government has taken the 9-11 commission's report to heart. Government is corrupt and doesn't take its responsibility to keep its constuents safe seriously. Instead of no fly zones over nuclear reactors (which we probably shouldn't be using to begin with), we've got a permanent no fly zone over the VP's summer house.

And then there was prattle on the Chris Matthews Show. Katty Kay continues to be the pundit I dislike the most for her insipid commentary. But nowadays, since the show comes on after both MtP and Ebert & Roepert, I find myself not really tuned into the dialogue; instead, I read my paper and glance occassionally, wondering why Kay gained so much weight. Apparently, I'm reacting to the fact that she spouts Republican talking points, according to chatter on the web.

Speaking of Matthews, he seems unable to deal with knowledgeable progressive pundits. He mocks and dismisses Amy Goodman on Hardball, and I haven't actually seen a progressive as a pundit on the NBC Sunday morning show. Last week his personal thought was based on the cover story of Esquire magazine - not exactly reaching very far to learn that Clinton has created another chapter in his political career around public health and economic development in Africa.

I haven't been inspired by anything in the newspapers today. I was annoyed that none of the female politicians were featured in the Week in Review's roundup of Afghani politicians. In the print version, none of the female politicians were given photographs - only disparagingly revealed that many of them "didn't win their elections outright" but were put into power by the Afghan constitution's insistence that 25% of the lower house be filled with women. Mind you, this is only about half-way towards the goal of Security Council Resolution 1325, which mandates women's equal participation in post-conflict resolution. And nevermind the fact that many people believe there were anomolies in the counting process for Afghan elections. Let's just complain that women might actually have a voice somewhere.

Actually interesting news I read today (not written today):
"Women gain ground in Afghan parliamentary polls: Amid cheers for increased representation of women, polls show most victories were result of constitutional quota requirements rather than preference," in The Daily Star of Lebanon.

Posted by cj at December 4, 2005 8:24 PM


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