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March 22, 2006
Taxpayer Money Flowing Into Anti-Choice, Stridently Religious "Social Service" Groups
This should surprise absolutely no one - Shrub did this as governor of Texas and simply continued doing it once becoming president. Massive amounts of federal funding has flowed into socially conservative groups that stridently "educate" women that life begins at conception, to keep their legs closed to prevent unwanted pregnancy and sexually-transmitted infections.
To qualify for federal funding for social "service" (questionable whether most of these groups provide any real service) it really helps to be:
A member of a minority group that Republicans traditionally have difficulty reaching out to. Therefore, if you're Latino and Protestant, you're in. If you're Latino and Roman Catholic, the USG doesn't need your help providing services to the poor (b/c most of you still vote Democrat). Black Evangelicals are also appreciated.
Never fear, there's still room in the federal budget for white evangelicals with a background in campaign fund raising or getting people to the polls.
Strange that I agree with a quote from Grover Norquist:
Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, said the grant-making is "corrupting.""The danger is that any group that gets money from the government will end up serving the interests of the state rather than the constituencies they are trying to serve," he said. "The guy who writes the check writes the rules."
At least $157 million has been wasted. It's not just a waste of money - it puts women's lives in danger by not being honest about all health options available in the even of a pregnancy; it puts teenage lives in danger by not providing real sex education, so that they know how to protect themselves if they choose to have sex; and it is just plain wrong to use government money to prop up work that is tied to a specific religion / religious beliefs.
More info: "Grants Flow To Bush Allies On Social Issues: Federal Programs Direct At Least $157 Million," by Thomas B. Edsall in today's WaPo
Posted by cj at March 22, 2006 7:16 AM
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