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May 4, 2006

File Under: Ridiculous Corrections

As pointed out by Today's Papers. I find it appalling how many mistakes were made.

Because they had so little time to prepare ... From the NYT:

An obituary on Monday and in late editions on Sunday about the economist and diplomat John Kenneth Galbraith referred incorrectly to his family at several points. He had a younger brother, William, who died several years ago; he was not an only son. A sister, Catherine Denholm, also died several years ago; she was not among his survivors. Mr. Galbraith had 10 grandchildren, not 6. Because of an editing error, the term for his wife's vocation was truncated in some copies. She is a linguist. A caption misstated the date of a photograph of the Galbraiths taken at their home in New Delhi while he was an ambassador. It was in 1956, not 1966.

Posted by cj at May 4, 2006 6:39 AM


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