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May 7, 2006

Name Change and Transitions

In case you're wondering why this blog's name changed...

Last summer I was searching for a good phrase as an email / IM handle. I found "social upheaval" in a description of "No Direction Home," the Scorsese doc re Dylan. That exact press release doesn't seem to be available anymore, but it said that 1961-66 was a time of social upheaval.

And that's when it hit me - what this globe needs is some good ol' fashioned social upheaval. I abhor violence and I don't think it ultimately brings any positive results. But challenging and changing the heart and soul of society is what all of my life's work is about, including this blog.

Since Google often confused "Chicken Foot Stew" with a recipe for chicken foot stew - leading many would-be stew makers to this site - and since the meaning seemed convoluted to me (why hide behind a catchy name when you can stand out front with your politics on your sleeve?), I decided last December to purchase socialupheaval.com and transition my blog to that name.

My friend the anonymous donor of server space has a lot on his plate and didn't get socialupheaval pointing here until today. I've still got to work out the complete transition, but it's getting there.

Chicken Foot Stew will continue to be an active URL, it will simply be a mirror site for Social Upheaval.

Posted by cj at May 7, 2006 11:49 PM


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