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May 15, 2006
poking a hole in my bubble
I currently live in a bubble of blogging, working, and working on WILPF. I'm trying to change that. So after my last post / rant, I went to said disparaged sites and found Drinking Liberally. So if I have energy after the Lost finale (or maybe during the Lost finale, cause let's face it I haven't exactly been watching it this year), I'll head on over to Red Lion for the Northside drink up.
Other (mostly white) progressives are doing a Principles Project, to declare a cohesive platform for liberals. Haven't read the actual platform yet, but noted that all the usual suspects for young, white liberals are on board.
In related news, the Chicago Liberal Drinkers linked to this blog post full o Edmund Burke quotes.
And here's the League of Young Voters, formerly called the League of Independent Voters, "coloquially" known as the League of Pissed Off Voters.
Off to iron my shirt...gonna meet Madam Secretary Albright tomorrow. Or at least take a picture with her. Gotta love alumnae clubs.
Posted by cj at May 15, 2006 10:53 PM
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