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July 3, 2006
Air Force Spending $450K to recreate Technorati
Think Progress linked to the Foreign Policy magazine blog note about this asinine Air Force project.
Here's the deal: your taxpayer money is being spent to build a system for understanding the relevance, specificity, timeliness, and credibility (RSTC) of blog postings. The scientists in charge of this slush fund are going to use these new fangled links to determine what bloggers are talking about.
Funny thing is, Technorati already does a damn good job of that.
Then there's one of the early tracking systems, created at The Truth Laid Bear.
And there's the Blog Search Engine.
Let's not forget the Open Directory Project.
So tell me again what the Air Force is wasting $450,000 on?
As the copyrighted WILPF statement goes,
It will be a great day when our schools get all the money they need and the Air Force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber.
cross-posted from WILPF US Membership Blog.
Posted by cj at July 3, 2006 10:01 PM
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