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August 25, 2006

Class in America

Oprah - or her 11:00pm rerun - is on Class in America. She glosses over the extreme difficulty in changing class; applauds people who grabbed their bootstraps (and perhaps their good looks) and got themselves an expensive car. I watched the whole thing. I'm not clear why. It's not like I learned anything new. Econ classes, and the NYT series on the same subject told me more hard facts.

I don't understand how Robert Reich kept saying that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, but didn't also admit that the middle class is disappearing. Perhaps b/c of his final statement - that class disparity and feeling that you can't get ahead lead to great upheavals in society. Could it be? Are we really on the edge of mass activism for social and political change? One can only hope that the nonviolent sea change is coming.

Posted by cj at August 25, 2006 12:02 AM


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