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September 22, 2006
USG: Still Pro-Torture
The LAT decided to lie to its readers today. It leads with "Bush Bows to Senators on Detainees." Apparently, the headline writers only read press releases. In reality, the military veteran senators acquiesced to the Torturer in Chief.
To be clear: the US is less safe because its government refuses to acknowledge the primacy of the Geneva Conventions. The US is less safe because its political leadership insists on torturing people they label terrorists. The US is less safe because it refuses to join the international community and support the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice. Apparently, the rest of the world is only important when they bow to the will of our Torturer in Chief.
Editorial from WaPo: "The Abuse Can Continue: Senators won't authorize torture, but they won't prevent it, either.
But the senators who have fought to rein in the administration's excesses -- led by Sens. McCain, Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and John W. Warner (R-Va.) -- failed to break Mr. Bush's commitment to "alternative" methods that virtually every senior officer of the U.S. military regards as unreliable, counterproductive and dangerous for Americans who may be captured by hostile governments.Mr. Bush wanted Congress to formally approve these practices and to declare them consistent with the Geneva Conventions. It will not. But it will not stop him either, if the legislation is passed in the form agreed on yesterday. Mr. Bush will go down in history for his embrace of torture and bear responsibility for the enormous damage that has caused.
"Our Torturer-in-Chief: Until Bush took office, the U.S. had no problem defining what is cruel and inhuman." Op-Ed by Rosa Brooks in the LAT
Posted by cj at September 22, 2006 9:37 AM
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