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October 24, 2006
Cold Hard Facts on Rent in L.A.
"Low pay, high rent, wit's end," by Nancy Cleeland: Column One feature in today's LA Times.
The cold hard reality behind LaLa Land's gilded image.
65% of rental units are studios or one-bedrooms.
Nearly half of rental households have 3 or more people.
8.5% have 6 or more.
5,000 rent controlled units have been lost since 2005.
Almost all rental units currently being constructed are in the luxury market.
Progressive Angelenos, limousine liberals, and all other people with a conscience in this town should be ashamed of themselves. How is it that we've failed on such a massive scale to protect ourselves and our neighbors from homelessness?
I thought the housing situation in Chicago was messed up. I thought Daley's plans to force the poor into the suburbs and gentrify public housing into public middle class housing was the ultimate corruption plan. Little did I realize how profoundly outright neglect of urban planning could ruin a city. Little did I realize there was a city larger than Chicago forcing its poorest members to suffer even more harshly than Chi-town. May the Lord have mercy on us all.
Posted by cj at October 24, 2006 1:18 AM
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