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October 4, 2006

Workers Unite - Celebrate Your Elevation to "Management"

The National Labor Relations Board has finally cleared up a common misperception. Namely, that the majority of working people are not management. Instead, they've helpful re-classified anyone who is not a lab monkey as a manager, and not eligible for union membership. No need to have the ability to hire and fire - if you use any brain power in your job, you're now a manager.

Apparently, it was too confusing to allow a bastion of independent-minded nurses the right to organize. Now those nurses who do anything remotely in the realm of management - even if they cannot hire / fire employees - are not eligible for union membership. And the ruling could expand outward to all types of employees. So if you use independent judgment in your job, you just might be screwed out of the ability to collectively bargain your working conditions.

Read the gory deets in the LA Times -
"U.S. Ruling Could Eliminate Union Eligibility for Millions," by Molly Selvin

Labor Blog comments by Nathan Newman

The AFL-CIO's take on the situation

SEIU Press Release on the ruling

Posted by cj at October 4, 2006 10:41 AM


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