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November 20, 2006
Vera Drake Would Be Prosecuted in Nicaragua Today
My favorite movie of recent times, and perhaps of all time, is "Vera Drake." Written and directed by Mike Leigh, starring Imelda Staunton, it spins a poignant tale about a "Wife. Mother. Criminal."
Unfortunately, while British and American audiences can view the movie as a well-crafted tale of times long gone, around the world women's access to reproductive health is faltering. Often, US taxpayer money helps fund the lack of resources - the "global gag rule" on even mentioning the word abortion and receiving US aid.
And now, in Nicaragua, even women who might die without an abortion cannot legally get one. The politics of corrupt, power hungry men is at fault. President-elect Daniel Ortega sold out half of his constituency when he made a deal with Conservatives to support the new law. Ortega narrowly eked out a win in the recent presidential elections with 38% of the vote. Now, every person in Nicaragua will suffer. Because when you deny access to health services to one person, you affect the health of all people. The bill was signed into law last Friday.
More deets - "Nicaragua Eliminates Last Exception to Strict Anti-Abortion Law," by James C. McKinley Jr., in today's NYT
Posted by cj at November 20, 2006 6:06 PM
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