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January 24, 2007

Why there is no entry re SOTU

Last night, the president gave his annual State of the Union address. Apparently, there are now compendiums of drinking games on the subject. And since I finally got my wireless router working, I could've been watching it on the big screen and furiously entering my feedback. Alas, it was not to be.

I did not see the SOTU address because I was working an eleven hour day. There was a lot of work to do - I didn't even stop for a full lunch break - and I was happy to be of help. Plus, it allowed me to take time off today to be with my family for my nephew's bris.

I could've watched a webcast of the speech, or read it, but I chose not to. Perhaps in the future I'll rant about his fucking ridiculous bullshit remark about "gold-plated health insurance," but this is one cancer patient who will refrain for the time being. I'll be back - perhaps tomorrow - with more measured thoughts on world affairs.

Tip o' the hat to my fellow blogger, Todd at the Courage Campaign, for pointing me to the drinking games post at Daily Kos.

Posted by cj at January 24, 2007 9:48 PM


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