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July 22, 2007
Cochabamba, night on the town...
The final session of the day was a report back from a Swedish delegation who went to Cochabamba.
Emma de Torres lived in Sweden for several years and went back to Cochabamba for a visit. She decided it was safe enough to return, and she and her family moved there to set up a daycare center for a factory. The women were very untrusting - they were used to working side by side with their children. So, instead of bringing in outside trained employees, she trained women from the factory to work as childcare workers. And that way, the women trusted who was supervising their children while they worked.
The Swedish delegation - Maj-Lis Mansson, Berit Tybrand, Gunilla Wingo-Anderberg and Boel Bruce - described their ten days traveling in Cochabamba.
The day was a seminar on Latin America. It was wrapped up by Marta Benavides and Regina Birchem.
Then we went to dinner. Which was quite a shame because there was more (dare I say better) food later in the evening.
After dinner, we traveled by bus to the city square. Not only did we have a fleet of buses, we also had a police escort. It was quite an experience.
We went to the House of Culture in Santa Cruz to see an exhibition on 1000 Peace Women. After viewing the exhibition we were offered traditional Bolivian food: apetizers and pastries that were absolutely delicious, along with red wine, soda, and water.
We watched a cultural show in the square and then had an hour to wander around. I picked up a bracelet and earrings. Some of us chatted over beer at a bar, and then we boarded our buses for the return trip. Of course, several of our younger members stayed in town to enjoy the night life. I decided to return to enjoy a night swim at the amazing pool in our hotel.
Tomorrow the Congress officially begins.
Posted by cj at July 22, 2007 7:22 PM
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