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July 23, 2007
The President Speaks, the Vice Presidents Respond
After the SecGen report, WILPF International President Regina Birchem gave her report. She gave a political analysis of the state of the world and asked many questions about WILPF. Hopefully, the full report (which was also presented in written form) will be online soon.
The Vice Presidents, Annelise Ebbe, Samira Khoury, Dulcy de Silva, and Marta Benavides, were given five minutes each to respond to the President's report.
After these presentations, we had lunch. It was a great meal and quite significant for me - I shared a discussion with a member from the Congo and a member from Lebanon on the state of the world, in particular the state of Israel and Jewish people's participation in global affairs. As a Jewish activist, it was quite an intense conversation for me - because while I do not believe in the apartheid policies of the government of Israel, I am still proud of my heritage, my culture and ethnicity.
After lunch, we came together for discussion groups on the future of WILPF. We are currently reporting out from those discussion groups.
Posted by cj at July 23, 2007 11:13 AM
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