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July 24, 2007
Why WILPF Doc and Report Out from Discussions
Last night, after dinner, the Y-WILPF (Young WILPF) facilitated the creation of a documentary, "Why WILPF?" It was an amazing experience. I took some notes on the speeches given, but I'm hesitant to put them online because I do not have the names of all the speakers. The history of WILPF is truly inspiring. And the breadth of the current work is amazing. Hopefully, it will be online (perhaps on YouTube) soon.
Originally, the election of the Election Committee was supposed to occur as the first order of business after dinner. Instead, we continued on with the program-style agenda. The presentation on the Quito Conference on Military Bases was shortened to a summary statement to make time for the report out from the discussion groups earlier in the day. Mary Day Kent (US Executive Director) and Irene Eckert (from Germany) spoke briefly and encouraged people to attend their workshop.
There was a slight kerfuffle at this point - I objected to moving forward with the program agenda without beginning the election process for the Election Committee. My objection was dismissed and then one of the candidates for the EC announced that she was taking herself out of the running (partially because she had another meeting to attend at that time). So, with only 5 candidates left for a 5 candidate committee, we agreed without a paper ballot election to the formation of the Election Committee.
Then the people in charge of coalescing all of our ideas from the discussion earlier in the day came forward to present the findings. I apologize - by that point in the evening, I was simply exhausted and did not take any notes on the presentation. Hopefully, there will be an official report from this portion of the meeting.
I left a bit early from this event to attend a US Section delegate meeting. I was told people did not like the fact that we left the meeting and that we should have set an example by not starting our own meeting until the official plenary was complete. While that is very reasonable and diplomatic, I have to say that I'm a bit exhausted and I can't keep up with the pace of Congress. I actually left my delegation meeting a bit early because I simply had to get to sleep.
Posted by cj at July 24, 2007 5:14 AM
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