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August 28, 2008
The Preacher Was Better Than the Politician
I admit that I got chills when Obama started preaching. When he started talking about the March on Washington, that's when it got good.
The way he kept looking around the stadium was extremely distracting. I know I am partisan, but I believe Hillary was more credible than him. Maybe it's the bitter taste in my mouth over his inclusion of nuclear power and clean coal as a way to move into the future of energy policy. I'd like him to meet the people with lung cancer caused by coal pollution, go to the Appalachian mountain tops that were sheared off in pursuit of coal, meet the women and men living everyday dependent on the pharmaceutical industry, because the military industrial complex has polluted our environment with so much radiation that thyroid cancer is the only cancer on the rise in this country.
Let me be clear - I'm voting for Obama for president. I do not put any faith in him alone to do anything for this country. Progressives must continue to gather and push for real change.
Pray tell, how is the Electoral College the apex of democracy?
I don't trust any politician to bring about real change. I trust individuals, working collectively through citizen institutions to create the paradigm shift needed to overthrow the shackles of corporatocracy.
Posted by cj at August 28, 2008 8:03 PM
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