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December 22, 2008

People still want to be diplomats

Most popular post I've ever written continues to be my advice for taking the foreign service exam. I still agree with everything I wrote, except now I'm a direct marketing professional who shelved her dreams of being a paid writer / activist.

Sometimes I freak out that State reads my blog. Then I remember - they ain't reading my political statements, just checking out my advice on entering the hallowed halls of public servitude. I recall fondly my fervent hopes of being a career diplomat. I held onto that dream for a good 4 years before realizing that my soul feels cleaner not being shackled to a government post. [It took the illegal occupation of Iraq to pull my head out of that quicksand.]

But goodness knows I could use some federal government health insurance. Gotta love the side effects of nuclear power...

Posted by cj at December 22, 2008 10:11 PM


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