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December 21, 2008

Thinking Deeply

I've been derelict at updating this blog to a greater extent than my cultural blog. Don't take this to mean I haven't been thinking about politics. Rather, the crush of life has forced sacrifices.

First, I committed time to a few monthly emails for WILPF. And work is quite intense these days, which I'm grateful for. And mostly, I feel that my political posts should be Well Thought Out, which leads to more writers' block that simple babbling on the last movie I saw.

One of my New Year's resolutions is to blog at least once a week on each blog. I don't think anyone else is searching for new posts on these fora, but I know that this outlet is important to creating balance in my soul. So, just as I once started a blog to keep a public record of the fact that I had applied to jobs, I am now publicly asserting my need to express my own opinion on The World.

Posted by cj at December 21, 2008 2:23 PM


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