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May 16, 2010

The Sad State of Sunday Morning Round Tables

Ingredients of a successful round table: fill with 4 parts older white men, 1 part older white woman. Any one part can be exchanged with one of the following: younger white man, woman of color, man of color. No more than one part of the following can be included in the mix: person of color, person under 50. You may include two people under 50, if all other people on the panel look over 60.

I don't know why I'm still surprised every Sunday when there is absolutely no space allowed for a liberal voice, let alone an activist voice on ABC or NBC. The "Tea Party" is claimed as a legitimate, logical part of the political landscape, but goodness help you if you believe society has an obligation to support its individual members.

Nevermind that none of these shows have said a single word about the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference currently underway in NYC.

But let's spend all of our time talking about Elana Kagan.

Check out the photos on the Meet The Press site. Since it was the first program I watched today, it forced me to recognize the lack of diversity in these shows.

Jake Tapper is still the moderator on This Week. It is painful to watch the conservatives talk beyond him, always taking up more than half the time when a "two position" discussion is "moderated." Sadly, Senator Patrick Leahy is truly getting older and may be too slow when speaking responses to be truly effective in today's fast-paced media. Senator Jeff Sessions not only bogarted the air-time, he also appeared more coherent and comprehensive in his answers. Leahy meandered his way into calling the b.s. of Sessions' rants. I can't wait until August, when Cristianne Amanpour become the moderator.

I have to admit it - I usually hate listening to Katty Kay on The Chris Matthews Show. On today's show, I respect what she's said. Sad that it's an all-white panel discussing the racist Arizona law. Did you know there is only one person of color on the Matthew Meter? Perhaps you did. Or perhaps you gave up on the mainstream media long ago. I find it important to keep up with the official spin on how the world turns.

Posted by cj at May 16, 2010 12:46 PM


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