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January 22, 2011
Challenging Corporate Personhood
The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Los Angeles Branch hosted a teach-in today to explain the roots of corporate personhood. One of our members provided an engaging historical overview, followed by a lively discussion about how to move forward locally, and in the Southern California region.
WILPF Abolish Corporate Personhood Organizing Packet - includes sample resolutions and other actions.
WILPF Corporate Personhood Study Guide
If you're in Southern California, you should attend the Uncloak the Kochs rally in Palms Springs next Sunday. I reserved my seat on the bus - have you?
Sister WILPFers in Santa Cruz, California organized a demonstration to get corporations out of elections and posted this quote to Facebook:
"The greatest political reform of our time will be to abolish the legal concept of 'corporate personhood' and the inherently anti-democratic equation of money with political speech," says Bill Moyer, the energetic founder and executive director of the Backbone Campaign, the grassroots movement to embolden Americans to push back against corporate power and political corruption.
The Los Angeles meeting was a great gathering of like-minded activists, including Lisabeth Ryder from the West Papua Action Network and Karan Bavandi, founder of kbucket.com.
Posted by cj at January 22, 2011 11:04 PM
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