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May 11, 2011
Bridging the Divide: Attend a WILPF Congress as a CODEPINKer
People who know my political beliefs know that I've been expressing my views as a member of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) since 1999. That's a long time to be involved in one volunteer activity.
People who know my recent history know that I left a successful advertising career to become the CODEPINK Bring Our War $$ Home organizer in March.
This summer, I have the opportunity to bridge the chasm between the two organizations. I'll be attending the WILPF National Congress, "End War: Local 2 Global" as a representative of CODEPINK. Hopefully, I wont go into debt to do it.
I'm excited to go to the WILPF national congress to discuss SMART campaign planning. I also look forward to discussing CODEPINK activities to end the overt and covert US-initiated wars (in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and Libya) and the illegal occupations supported by the US (in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine).
When I made the leap from advertising to peace activism, my salary did not stay the same. Without a lot of support from my personal network and the WILPF community, I will go into debt for this trip.
If you believe in deeper connections within the peace movement,
If you believe women's peace activism will be stronger if closer ties are created between CODEPINK and WILPF,
If you believe my perspective is valuable for the future of WILPF,
Then I ask you to please Donate to my WILPF National Congress Travel Fund.
While I have received contributions generously donated by the WILPF LA Branch and four WILPF members, I'm still short.
Total Funds Still Needed: $557.30
After the WILPF Congress Committee let me know they are eager to have me participate as a CODEPINK representative, I applied for a scholarship from WILPF National. The scholarship committee cannot provide a full scholarship and has not yet awarded me any funding.
You may be wondering why CODEPINK isn't paying for my involvement. In the past, organizations interested in having the participation of our staff have paid transportation and lodging for the staff's participation. Additionally, the WILPF Congress is scheduled two weeks before a major activity for my CODEPINK campaign. I am deeply grateful for the flexibility CODEPINK has shown in allowing me to participate in this WILPF event.
Please support my participation in the WILPF Congress. Any amount you give will be greatly appreciated - from $5 to $500 - every little bit helps.
Posted by cj at May 11, 2011 10:26 PM
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