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July 1, 2011
Social Media for Nonprofits
In June, I led a plenary discussion on communication at the national congress of Women's International League for Peace & Freedom. The idea was to introduce individual activists to social media and encourage them to participate.
Anyway, I wanted to share my background research, so here it is:
Best presentation introducing social media for NGOs by Farra Trompeter of Big Duck
Other useful presentations:
What is Social Media - written for a business audience, but I think has useful facts that provide useful background.
SM Tactics to Meet Your Mission - good for institutional use (branch, local, national group, etc)
Foreign Affairs magazine published a long piece on the political power of social media It's a must read.
Other articles on my reading list:
Digital Power: Social Media and Political Change
Social Media and Political Influence
Social Media and Political Change
Go to website for me on the net & nonprofits:
Beth Kanter
Fascinating study which reminds why CODEPINK is more famous than WILPF in the US (that's my commentary, the study has nothing to do with either org):
Disruption: Evolving Models of Engagement and Support
Social Media decision guide (pdf)
NATO made a video about social media's impact on politics.
Sites that look like it could use some further review:
Socialize Your Cause
Charting Impact
Posted by cj at July 1, 2011 4:33 PM
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