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February 23, 2005

Comments Can Be Annoying

When I was on Blogger, I rarely received spam comments. Now I deal with spammers everyday of the frickin year. 97% of people who comment and 100% of people who trackback to this site do so to advertise online poker or drugs. I am extremely sick of them and haven't found a good way of booting them off - they rarely use the same IP address, so denying access to particular ones seems like a waste of time.

Recently, I enable the comment approval system available via Movable Type. This helps - but now my email inbox is flooded with spam. I know I could just turn off email notification, but then I'd never know that a serious comment was waiting for approval.

I dunno what to do, but I now understand why so many people simply turn off comments altogether.

Just to clarify - I appreciate and enjoy relevant comments. Your comments will never be deleted if they are on topic. The only comments I delete are adverts for completely unrelevant websites.

Posted by cj at February 23, 2005 1:00 PM

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