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February 9, 2005
Bush Is Killing the World's Poor in the Name of Morality
Barbara Crosette, former chief correspondant for the NYT in Asia and the United Nations, wrote a powerful condemnation of Shrub's foreign policy in the Winter issue of World Policy Journal. The article is six, extremely lucid pages long. I highly encourage you to read the whole thing. As an appetizer to the real deal, I offer these highlights:
1. Shrub and the ultra-right wingnuts have aligned the US with ultra-Catholic and Muslim nations. The USG and its right wing allies refuse to listen to scientific experts on family planning because most of them believe a women should have total control over her own body, which includes access to birth control and abortions. Shrub and his cronies believe in only teaching abstinence (in the face of rape being used as a tool of war) and denying people access to condoms and any organization that gives information about abortion.
2. The right wing nutjobs have stopped all US funding for the UN Population Fund, despite the fact that it began as a US initiative.
3. Women's rights and women's involvement in the political process is being denied in International Treaties and Statements.
In addition to everything Cossette says, think about this: SecDef Rumsfeld couldn't even utter the words women's rights or women's political involvement when asked point blank by Tim Russert on Meet the Press last Sunday. He deferred to the moral opinions of the Iraqis in their own affairs. When exactly did the USG concede human rights to the religious opinions of other nations?
Women's rights are human rights. Reproductive rights are human rights. Reproductive freedom affects every single human being regardless of gender.
Posted by cj at February 9, 2005 7:05 PM
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