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February 9, 2005
More Discrimination in Reproductive Healthcare
Here's the deal: Most people don't live in a city where a doctor preforms an abortion. Women seeking an abortion from places where there is no provider often must stay overnight in a hotel either before or after the procedure. In Wichita, Kansas a provider listed La Quinta Inn as a convenient hotel to his office in his promotional materials. Sometimes, nurses would check in with post-op women at the hotel.
"Operation Rescue" - an extremely active anti-choice group - called for a nationwide boycott of La Quinta Inn because they thought the inn had a business relationship with the Wichita doctor.
In response, La Quinta Inn issued a statement that their facilities cannot be used for medical procedures (meaning nurses wont be allowed in to visit guests), asked the doctor to remove the hotel's name from his marketing material, and said "oh, but we wont kick out a guest simply because she's having an abortion."
Reuters article here.
Bitch, PhD post here.
Subject found via Red Harvest.
Posted by cj at February 9, 2005 11:30 AM
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